May 23: Anne Lihau N’Kanza: Skin Bleaching - the Psychological Legacy of Colonialism in Africa

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May 23: Anne Lihau N’Kanza: Skin Bleaching - the Psychological Legacy of Colonialism in Africa

On Wednesday May 6, 2015, the government of Cote d’Ivoire banned skin-whitening creams citing health risks caused by the use of these creams. This has generated much-needed discussion around the use of these creams on the African continent and in the diaspora.

Our guest, Dr. Anne Lihau-N’kanza, a Congolese surgeon joined us to discuss this very important issue affecting not only in Cote d’Ivoire, Congo but around the world.


Dr. Anne Lihau-N’kanza is a Congolese surgeon trained in Trauma and Critical Care with a specialty in Burn Surgery. She currently practices in the United States, and dedicates part of her time to medical mission work, mostly in Haiti and the Congo. Her focus is on Trauma Prevention and Health Care Screening.

Her family’s strong political background and history has and continues to inspire her to participate in community outreach and awareness processes. As a Congolese woman and trauma surgeon, it is her conviction that empowerment and awareness through education are the mainstay of social advancement and development.